Pray for our nation and leaders
Pray for Frank’s friend, Walt, recovering from hip surgery
Pray foe Elma dealing with a bad hip & straines tendon
Pray for David still waiting for a downer
Pray for Jan’s sister recovering from a car accident
Continue to pray for Aurelio dealing with cancer treatments
Pray for Susie having health issues
Pray for the upcoming Labor of Love festival
Pray for Sonni as she is still dealing with health issues
Pray for Robert to find a place for him and his family
Pray for the Harvest Crusades
Pray for Jim as he is still going through test
Pray for Geoff to recover from his setback
Pray for Tasha who injured her knee today
Pray for the Men’s Retreat this weekend
Pray for Christine to recover from surgery
Pray for the new leadership at the Chapel Store