Prayer Requests
-Conner & Tim’s 2 month cruise of the Asian countries
-Vince needs prayer for a relationship with his brother-in-law, Jess, and for Jess’ salvation.
-Seth’s sister, April and her boyfriend Wayne, need prayer for their relationship to be right with the Lord. Also, Wayne is in his early 30’s, and has been diagnosed with stomach cancer. We don’t know many details, but the prognosis does not look good.
-Seth & Lauren’s landlord, Don, has had man tumors on his liver that he has been battling. He will be going in for further treatment soon.
-Seth’s little sister has been leading an alternative lifestyle since she was about 16. Pray for salvation.
-Juan’s oldest daughter, Monique, is angry and an athiest.
-Paul Duke’s worship conference in Haiti.
-Jeremiah is flying back home. Pray for safe travel’s and for fruitful ministry at his church.